Just a Little Loopie!

Well I guess to start off I would like to welcome you to my new blog! I created this blog to help friends and family to learn a little about what I am going through in my day to day life! Also in time I will add some information on Lupus and RA. I will try my hardest to blog everyday even if it is a short paragraph on how I was feeling, or just a quick blurb to get something off my chest! The more I write the better family and friends will understand how exactly I feel, and deal with these chronic diseases every day! Please feel free to comment on ANY post! I have nothing to hide, this is who I am! So sit back and read!!

Friday, February 18, 2011


So I have a Hockey Tournament this weekend!!! could be painful, could be good! I've been getting a lot of concern from my friends about me playing hockey, they keep saying "well if your sore then how are you gunna play hockey?" or "is it a good idea that you play?" The answer is Yes! It is a good thing I play! one of the first things a rheumatologist will tell you is Excersize, and don't stop doing the things you would normally do! so i guess we will wait and see how it goes!!!!!  <3

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Michael Jackson and Lupus!!

Starting in the mid-1980's it became clear that Michael Jackson's appearance was changing dramatically. His skin tone became lighter, his nose and facial shape changed dramatically. The lighter skin tone was initially caused by Vitiligo and Lupus -both he was diagnosed with in 1986. He used makeup to cover the blotched skin. Michael did however have around 10 plastic surgeries done! Many people considered Micheal to be bleaching his skin and changing his features to look more European. When in reality It was the disease and treatments themselves that made Micheal appear very pale. 

I do still think Michael had some major issues, and may he rest in piece now! However, I wanted to add this to my blog because it goes to show you not only how Lupus and other chronic diseases can affect and change your life and appearance, but also to show you never know who may be effected by it!!

Days Like Today

Days like today don’t happen all the time,
I’m usually quite happy and really fine.
I enjoy the days where it doesn’t hurt to walk
When I’m in a good mood, and ok to talk.

But days like today, come very few.
When I hate being me and I could just start new.
Where I don’t have to worry about what’s going on
And feeling this ache doesn’t mean something’s wrong.

Today I am sad that I have Lupus,
And with and pray no one had to go through this.
That a cure was there for me to take a pill.
Instead of heading to more doctors for more crazy bills.

I know I shouldn’t worry about it at all.
But its hard when symptoms start staking ten feet tall.
When my hands swell to where I can’t even write.
Or when my legs hurt so much, I can’t sleep through the night.

When it hurts to see the sun shining down on me.
Or to walk to park just to try and sit under a tree.
To simply open a can of soda to get a simple drink.
Or when it hurts so bad, I can’t even think.

I know everyday is not always going to be like this.
I just wish the bad days, would be the ones I would miss.
When I just feel like sleeping and doing nothing more.
And shutting everyone out, and locking the door.

But the sun goes down and the moon shines bright.
While God helps me though another restless night.
And even though these days may come and come again.
I know He will be with me, always holding my hand.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Monster In Me!

I wake every morning
Feeling achy and grim
Inflammation and soreness
In every limb

I struggle to get
Myself out of bed
I try to be thankful
That I am not dead

Although sometimes
I wish it were true
This agony and pain
I wouldn’t have to go through

To others I look
Like nothing is wrong
Inside my heart I cry
A gruesome song

I try not to think about
How awful I feel
But I wonder each day
How I am going to deal

With this pain and suffering
That is so intense
I feel like I’m backed up
Against a barbwire fence

How will I manage
How will I cope
Doctors just keep prescribing
More and more dope

I’ve learned to deal
With the physical pain
But now this monster
Is affecting my brain

Sometimes I feel
I’m falling further behind
Sometime I feel
I am losing my mind

The things I once did
Have no meaning any more
All the fun and laughter
Has gone out the door.

Day by day
I manage to do my job
But for the rest of the night
I’m rather a snob

I don’t mean to be
This person filled with rage
It’s like I’m stuck,
Can’t get out of this cage

Each day comes something
A symptom, a clue
I don’t think there is anything
any doctor do

I don’t have a life
This disease is in control
It holds me deep within
This lonesome dark hole

Who have I become
What’s happened to me
Who is this monster
That I try so hard not to be

Perhaps some day
They’ll find a solution
Perhaps it will have been caused
By our world’s pollution

Whatever it is
Whatever it may be
I truly don’t like what
It’s done to me

My concentration is gone
My thinking has went
My memory is lost
My patience spent

Will there ever be a time
I feel no pain?
Will I finally see sunshine
After all this miserable rain