Just a Little Loopie!

Well I guess to start off I would like to welcome you to my new blog! I created this blog to help friends and family to learn a little about what I am going through in my day to day life! Also in time I will add some information on Lupus and RA. I will try my hardest to blog everyday even if it is a short paragraph on how I was feeling, or just a quick blurb to get something off my chest! The more I write the better family and friends will understand how exactly I feel, and deal with these chronic diseases every day! Please feel free to comment on ANY post! I have nothing to hide, this is who I am! So sit back and read!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Michael Jackson and Lupus!!

Starting in the mid-1980's it became clear that Michael Jackson's appearance was changing dramatically. His skin tone became lighter, his nose and facial shape changed dramatically. The lighter skin tone was initially caused by Vitiligo and Lupus -both he was diagnosed with in 1986. He used makeup to cover the blotched skin. Michael did however have around 10 plastic surgeries done! Many people considered Micheal to be bleaching his skin and changing his features to look more European. When in reality It was the disease and treatments themselves that made Micheal appear very pale. 

I do still think Michael had some major issues, and may he rest in piece now! However, I wanted to add this to my blog because it goes to show you not only how Lupus and other chronic diseases can affect and change your life and appearance, but also to show you never know who may be effected by it!!

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